Mistakes Real Estate Professionals Make When Using Social Media

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Real Estate

1. Lack Of Interaction With People

This is by far the most important…

The purpose of being on a social media platform such as Facebook is to be social. Way too often, business professionals will create a business page, post content to their page or create a Facebook Ad and never interact with the traffic those posts, or ads generate.

This applies to comments left on a Facebook post, Facebook Ad or a direct message sent to them in response to a Facebook post or Facebook Ad. The purpose of a post or ad is to promote engagement, not to ignore it.

This can happen for many reasons, and I’d like to think that individuals aren’t ignoring questions and comments on purpose (even though this might be the case for a low percentage of individuals).

There are a few things that you can do to ensure this becomes a smoother, more streamlined process.

One thing you can do is to turn on your notifications on your social platforms. Every time you receive a private message, a response to a post or an ad, Facebook will notify you. You can decide which notification you would like to receive, this way you’re not bombarded by every single action happening on your Facebook page.

If, for some reason you don’t want your phone going off with notification, designate some time in your day, maybe around lunch and/or dinner to address any questions, comments or concerns which have come up in reaction to a post or ad.

Even though these individuals aren’t necessary considered leads, this is a great opportunity to interact and create a relationship. This will help convert them into a lead. Please, do not overlook this… this is your opportunity to be value added so that you can earn their business and most importantly create advocacy.

You can find more information about Advocacy by clicking here.

2. Trying To Do Too Much

A jack of all trades, a master of none… We’ve all heard this before and it couldn’t be any truer in this case. Avoid trying to be on every single social media platform. Each platform has a different type of audience which requires a different technique when growing your followers and providing value to them.

Trying to be on all the platforms at the same time will only give you mediocre results across the board. You’re going to want to standout against your competition, which means mediocre isn’t going to cut it.

Pick one platform to start with… I’d suggest it being Facebook. Facebook is the leader when it comes to paid advertising, and it also houses the highest number of users compare to other social platforms. So, master this platform first, become an expert on this platform… learn how to build your following and how to use it to educate them.

Once you see your following grow at a consistent rate and feel comfortable with how you interact with them, you can incorporate a second platform.

You know what the best part about this strategy is? Since you’ve provided endless value and grown a loyal following, they will now follow you on the new platforms you become involved in.


3. Posting Listings Exclusively

Want to know one of the best ways to lose business? Bombard your followers with business related posts at all times. By posting nothing but listings, the audience will become bored and click away.

Make sure what you’re posting is engagement-focused as this will inspire conversations from your following, not bore them.

It is vital, and I mean vital when marketing or posting content on social media not to appear to be spammy. I don’t want to be spammed, you don’t want to be spammed and neither does your audience who might be looking to buy or sell.

In addition to posting business related content, ensure you’re also posting personal related content. This will allow those who follow you to get to know you on a personal level. Remember, you’re either going to sell their home, help them buy a new home or both. They don’t want some stranger helping them with the process of purchasing/selling a home, they want someone they know.

When posting, I like to follow the 80/20 rule. 80% of your posts should consist of personal and educational. Use this to show your following your personal side outside of the business world. In terms of education, just be value added in regard to real estate (non-promotional). For the 20%, you should be posting business related content. This can be things such as an open house or new listing.

4. Long Term Mindset

Social media marketing should be viewed the same as purchasing a home… a long-term investment. Even though social media can provide you quick quality leads by running Facebook ads, the true power of social media is in creating a long-lasting image and business.

Just like any other marketing strategy, short term and long-term goals should be implemented based around your business goals. Social media is a game of patience, so plan on playing the long game.

Too often I see individuals and businesses run Facebook ads for only a day or 2 followed by criticism because they didn’t get results, they were looking for right away. This isn’t how social media works.

Facebook marketing is all about testing, testing and more testing. Finding what works best for you, your business and your audience. Even though you must shift your mindset to think long term, Facebook will still deliver unmatchable short-term results.