3 Strategies To Win More Leads For Your Fitness/Wellness Business

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3 Strategies To Win More Leads For Your Fitness/Wellness Business

Having a consistent flow of new leads coming into any fitness and wellness business is curtail to its success. There are 3 things which you can do immediately to win more leads into your business. What are they, you ask?


The days of flyer marketing are behind us. It is important for your business to be relevant on social media. It doesn’t stop there though… You must be consistent, AND value added with the content you are producing. Additionally, it must be interesting to those who are watching. This is the first portion of social media.

The second part of social media the marketing. Paid advertising via Facebook, Instagram and YouTube is important as it allows you to target people of many interests and demographics. This detailed targeting will allow you to capture their attention, which will give you the opportunity to put your offer directly in front of them.


Your current clients are your biggest assets. They are individuals who believe and trust in your process and purpose. This means your currently clientele is your number one source for new leads. All leads that come from a existing client already come pre-qualified, pre-screened, and are more likely to buy because their friends already work out with you.

As new leads come into your business, express your purpose to them about helping others. As they make progress, as them if they can refer you as a fitness expert and business to their friends so that you have positively impact more of the community.


Any time you gain a new lead, regardless to there the lead came from, odds are they will not just show up right away and sign up.

It is important to have a follow up process in place, by both phone and email, to communicate with new leads. Half the battle is getting them to become a lead. The other half is to get them into your studio.

Set a follow up process into place the extends over a 7-day span, with a communication that happens once by text and once by email per day.